
2月5日(火)ウィークデイボイス! トピック!

2月5日(火)ウィークデイボイスを行います。 詳細は下記のとおりです。

日時)2月5日(火) 2:00pm~6:00pm



 最近『八王子NOVA生徒有志の会』では、数々の偶然や感動的再会などなど・・・これはビックリの出来事が頻発しております。 本当に凄い再会を目の当たりにしました。 ウン十年の時を超えた幼なじみ同士の再会。 ハッキリそのお二人のお名前を公開出来ませんが、M教授とS博士(公開してるも同然ですね。)のボイスでの再会は偶然に偶然が重ねられた結果の感動的なものでした。

Dear friends:
I truely enjoyed the meeting yesterday. Additional comments on yestaday's discussion is as folllows. Coming our global-business in the world should seek for a new value-creation. It means not restricted to the quantative and countable value like a profitability but also should include the qualitative and uncountable value. From this view point, roughly speeking, US as well as Japan will be so far behind European countries. In this connection,I like to incicate every one very important and trendy word "CSR"(corporate social responsibility). I am not sure you already know or not. Any way, I think this word is currently noticed to be definitely significant for global business. It appears impressively and largely in Nikkei-shimbun almost every day but seldom in Asahi etc. Please refer to it. See you.



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